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FergusonUSAHotTalkRadio Announces Availability of Free 

Media Services

For Small Businesses in the St. Louis Metro Area

St. Louis — 08 Jun 20 — Today at the Greater St. Mark Family Church Studio, FergusonUSAHotTalkRadio announced immediate availability of volunteer hours, enabling owners of Small Businesses in the St. Louis Metro area to receive up to 14 hours of media services.

“As a member of the Community and the Saint Louis Ambassadors, we are committed to assisting the small business community with our talents,” said Scott Owen, USAF Retired, General Manager at FergusonUSAHotTalkRadio.

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Product Availability

FergusonUSAHotTalkRadio, in order to comply with the St. Louis Ambassador’s requirement, “ You must be able to donate up to ten hours monthly to a small business or charitable foundation ‘of your choice.’”, will provide approximately 14 hours monthly to local small businesses and will be available on a first come- first served basis. This will include, but is not limited to video production, editing, filming and even livestreaming.

Founded in 2015, FergusonUSAHotTalkRadio was designed by the St. Louis Ambassadors to provide a nonjudgmental voice to the Ferguson, Mo and St. Louis Metro Region. The company offers a wide range of products and services designed to enhance media presence.

FergusonUSAHotTalkRadio® and its logo, The Flaming Microphone ® is trademarked in the United States and/or other countries.

The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

For more information, press only:


1. Services will be done in good faith and no judgement will be passed by this station. All responsibility for content rests on the small business.

2. Services per hour would generally cost $25 - $50 

3. Services include, but are not limited to:

Video Production

Audio (voiceover) Production


Podcast Recording



Up to and challenging the limits of the FergusonUSAHotTalkRadio's equipment and training capabilities at the time of service. All reasonable efforts will be attempted by the staff of FergusonUSAHotTalkRadio to provide an acceptable product

FergusonUSAHotTalkRadio requests that the receiver of these services pass the intent and 10 hours of their own business to help other small businesses in a similar manner.

Scott Owen


For more information

Scott Owen

General Manager, WFRG, LLC

TSgt, USAF Retired


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